Current Projects

Uranium Melting using Induction Heating

Place:-Indira Gandhi Centre For Atomic Research (IGCAR),Kalpakkam
Project Expert:- Shri. Sanjay Kumar Das
Project Area:- Sodium Fuel Interaction(SOFI) facility of safety Engineering 
Division (SED), RAG-Reactor Design Group -IGCAR

Autonomous Navigation System



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Optical Glove

 Hey friends, this is something cool that one can experiment with mouse. As simple as it is, just open up your old mouse, search for a glove, desoulder and resoulder the circuit, and you will have it over your palm.

 Here's the video of my mouse based glove.

Matrix Solver

Made by Vishal Pathak  and me. It's based upon wavefront algorithm and can solve 7*7 matrix to find the shortest path to its goal after scanning the entire grid 

 Here's an example of the  bot working on wavefront algo (from youtube.)


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